Determining a Bad Credit Score Determining the rating for your current credit score is very important. A good credit score rating starts at 700 to 749, and an excellent credit score is above 750. Usually, people start to worry when their credit scores are lower than...
Fixing Bad Credit Cincinnati, OH Why do we need to fix our bad or low credit scores? If you’re determined to get a good loan, you must fix your bad credit first. Auto, Mortgage, and personal lenders always rely on your three-digit credit scores to know if...
When does your credit hurt? Whenever you apply for any form of credit or whenever you are denied credit, you may hear in your head that you will not be able to get any type of credit in the future. In some cases this can be true, and in others it may not be but you...
What is a credit score? It is the numerical value obtained from your credit report as reflected by your credit score. It is a reflection of how well your credit-to-debt ratio is performing. The credit-to-debt ratio is determined by your current debt to income ratio...
A question that many consumers ask about what hurts your credit score most frequently is, “What is a charge off?” With the way the financial industry is today, many people are finding themselves in situations where they have overdrawn on their checking or...
A good credit rating can save you thousands of dollars per year in interest payments and finance charges. When you apply for a mortgage, a lender will examine your credit report to determine your level of “goodness” to qualify. The lower your score, the...